
Monday 10 October 2011

Assessment 3 Post

Over the duration of this coarse I have established and maintained a blog, a website, a flickr and delicious account.

- My Blog consists of 25 mostly interesting posts
- Since last time i have updated the template using different fonts and colours
- I have a live feed to my flickr account which displays my 5 most recently uploaded photos at the bottom of the page. Also down there is a link to my delicious and website
- I have a blog feed to youtube and the master blog and RSS to my starred items.
-There is also a counter, and some how Im up to 300!

What i have learnt
- I now know why blogger is so popular. It seems to be the roundabout to online media especially individuals and businesses promoting there products and services. It is simple to use and is a highly effective communication tool.

- I have uploaded 32 photos to flickr under the mpi set. Most of which are original, I have acknowledged those that are not.
- Most have tags and descriptions.
- I have continued to comment on others photos.

What i have learnt
- Flickr can be an extremely valuable tool, especially for aspiring photographers. Even one of my photos (photographer was one of my friends) was requested to be added to a group by an anonymous person. This one!

- I have progressively saved links to my account to the stage where i now have 14! :)
- I have saved my own blog, my website and a class members blog.

What i have learnt
- It is very easy to save links to the top tool bar of most browsers these days, so to have to go to Delicious, sign in and go to your link seems a bit harder.
-Though if you saved hundreds of links it would be good and then to be able to put them into sets and stuff seems handy.
- I don't think I yet understand the full capability that delicious has to offer.

- I wanted to focus on something different for my website… MUSIC, and in particular my favourite band the Clash. It consists of 4 pages, videos, songs, pictures, a counter and an RSS feed to my blog.

What I leant
- The Website Assessment was the most valuable to me, learning about FTP and website publishing was something that I wanted to learn prior to this assigment. And although made easy with tools such as iweb and fetch I enjoyed to the simplicity of the process which is something I didn't expect at all when publishing your own website. :)

Maximo Riera: The Animal Chair Collection

From the same designer as the Rhino Chair

Saturday 1 October 2011

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Website!! Assessment 2

My website is all about the clash. Its heaps informative, it consists of 4 pages, 1 music video, 2 songs and a discography. It also has an RSS feed to my blog. As fare as the appearance goes I downloaded a sort of punk inspired font to use as the headings, and each page is similar in color and proportions to create nice unity. There is a home button on each page, a counter that didn't work and some links to various wikipedia pages. The four pages are
-Joe Strummer

Completing this assessment has given me an understanding of basic website publishing and FTP. Considering my limited experience in website publishing using Iweb made the process much easier.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Clash - Guns of Brixton

I really enjoy The Clash at the moment and this would have to be one of my favourite songs of theirs. This is a pretty good home made music video as there was never a video for it. Enjoy

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Assessment 1 Summary

MPI Summary- I have 20 posts on my blog here are some link to the more interesting ones.

To contrast well with the industrial design theme I have chosen to use a simple template, simple fonts and limiting the amount of colors for my blog to create a contemporary vibe.
Here are some links to some comments I’ve made on other blogs

Josh’s blogMoody weather’

Gregg’s blog ‘kneeboarding’

Pats Blog ‘vpa 102’

Some tags that I have used on blogger are yankodesign and design boom
Some other work on blogger has involved me adding gadgets such as ‘page views’ and ‘image display’ to enhance visual quality and add function.


I have seven bookmarks saved on delicious. Two of which are industrial design related and are commonly used when posting on my blog, another popular one is a corolla forum specializing in old corollas and I enjoy it.

Design Boom

Yanko Design



I have uploaded 8 images, here are links to my 3 favorite images I’ve uploaded.

My 3 favorites from other’s