
Tuesday 23 August 2011


Cool looking bike... Grip wise, judging from the pictures I'm going to go out on a limb and say, its got f*** all. See more at design boom

Sunday 21 August 2011

HTML coding

Html coding is a code that can be used to make websites, and can be used in basic word applications like notepad

sung-ching chang: concrete office accessories

'a student of the birmingham city university BIAD master's product design program, sung-ching chang from taiwan 
has conceived 'reconstruction', a four piece series of interactive concrete office accessories which includes a calculator, 
pen holder, stapler and tape dispenser, which are designed much like a building kit. 'workers' are able to organize the products 
on the main base, for which they can build their own city. the use of concrete to cast each of the objects is to convey an
architectural and urban feel'. see more at designboom

I like the concept, concrete is increasingly being used in industrial design. And these stationary objects have some interesting features however I don't think they are finished all that well and collectively they don't work well as a group.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Another lamp by qisdesign

'the 'coral reef light', created by tawain-based design studio qisdesign ('q is design'), is an LED lamp with an organic-like form,
designed in collaboration with taiwan's national museum of marine biology and aquarium.

the design is produced as a silver-coloured table lamp, standing 465mm (18.3 inches) tall, and a metallic floor lamp
standing 1618mm (5.3 feet), both composed of aluminum alloys and polycarbonate. the floor lamp features three petals,
each independently activated by swiveling, while the table lamp has a single adjustable layer and is activated by a touch dimmer
on the stand.' designboom

 This video is a bit over the top, the main aspect I like though is the way it shows some of the most basic hand skills still being used in world class design. In an age where for perfection we generally turn to technology. 

Funniest Video

This is probably in my top five funniest things i've ever seen! I haven't actually narrowed the funny things that i've seen into a list but Im sure this would be penciled in there somewhere. Enjoy

This actually happened


Over the next month and a bit I will continue to post stuff that is new in the world of Industrial Design, stuff that I like and hopefully you will too. Amongst it will probably be anything funny or cool that I find and feel the need to share. This will provide some separation to the main theme and therefore basically create a place that anyone can come to chill out, seek some inspiration and have a laugh. Enjoy.

Monday 15 August 2011

not a bad lamp

This is one of my favourite lamp designs that i've seen. Designed by a taiwanese company known as qisdesign.  
'drawing from the art of paper folding, this LED desk lamp 
features hinges that allow it to collapse into a two-dimensional form. the carefully engineered light is adjustable,
with a counterweight designed to remain firm while the flexible arm extends to accommodate various scenarios.
made of aluminum alloy, it is lightweight, yet sturdy.'
 qisdesign: BE light. Visit for more info. Enjoy

Coventry School or Art and Design, Design Show 2011

Some pretty cool stuff from the UK, also the some bad. overall a decent vid ;) 

Blog Theme

Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous! No - purely social. I know someone who is an alchoholic and it is no laughing matter - particularly for his wife. And she's got alopecia. So... not a happy homelife. Thats David Brent from the hit tv series 'The Office'. Anyway my blog will be focused on industrial design. Enjoy  

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Delicious is a site that is dedicated to bookmarks where a user can save all their favourites

This is a muffin and its also delicious


Flickr is a website dedicated to photo sharing